Friday, November 15, 2013

Orange Milkshake- A fantastic cooler...

Now you all might be thinking how can we combine milk and oranges together, as the citrus in the fruit will tend to curdle the milk? But trust me the combination is absolutely delicious when we are using cold milk or ice cubes. I have used ice cubes so I took the milk which was at room temperature.

The oranges which I used are called Mandarins, which doesn't have seeds. If using a normal orange then deseed and separate the carpels then blend well and serve immediately. Otherwise it will curdle up.
This milkshake I had at my SIL’s house and it tasted amazing. I never thought that milk and orange could make such a wonderful combination.

  1. Oranges- 3 nos
  2. Milk- 1 ½ Cup
  3. Sugar- as required
  4. Ice cubes- few (optional)

  1. Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend till smooth. Sieve and serve immediately.


  1. i am thinking how it tastes like.. do reply me.. i am wondering may be oranges can curdled the milk and your shake ? i will try! do visit my place when time permits love to have your feedback.. happy blogging dear :) Recipes Passion
    Love ~ Monu Teena

    1. Thank you Monu for visiting my space. If you use chilled milk or ice cubes instead of chilled milk, the milkshake wont curdle. Just try like this and let me know. Will sure visit your blog.. :)

  2. Very interesting & refreshing shake, looks wonderful.
