Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Watermelon Milk shake

Nowadays I am addicted to this amazing fruit. I can have it any time of the day, in any form and in any season. I remember as a kid, always when in season, my dad used to buy this and cut into big slices. We used to enjoy this during hot summer weather.

Watermelon and milk is a perfect combination. I used to make a variety of juices and desserts out of watermelon like the watermelon mint coolers, watermelon and pomegranate mocktail, watermelon sorbet, watermelon popsicles and so on… Just that with sorbet and popsicles, I didn’t get a chance to take photos as they would finish off fast :-)

In this milk shake, I have added watermelon with seeds. Nothing special.. just the laziness to de-seed..:-)  I blended everything together and strained at last. The milkshake came out clean. This is simple delicious and super easy to make. Just try it out….

  1. Watermelon (cubed)- 2 Cups
  2. Sugar- 2 tbsps
  3. Cooled Milk- 1 Cup
  4. Vanilla Extract- ½ tsp (optional)

  1. Blend all the ingredients in a hand mixer till smooth. When it is done sieve through a strainer and enjoy an amazing drink.


  1. Lovely refreshing drink. Nice clicks.

  2. Yum! I hadn't ever thought of using watermelon in a milkshake but I'm certainly keen to try it now. It would be nice and refreshing in this scorching weather!

    Have a lovely day,

    Chloe & Sarah
